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A love letter from Tiki

Join MCS+ by becoming a Patreon, then wait a bit for Tiki to manually flip a switch on your MCS account.   You’ll get an email directly from him telling you’re good to go, then you can go about your business in an unfettered manner.

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How do I ask for help?

Comment on this post and someone will be along to help!

Having Issues Logging In?

Try logging into the site using an incognito window.  If you’re able to log in fine that way, go back to your normal browser and clear the cookies for the site, you should be able to get in now!

If not, swing by the discord channel and complain about it, or send an email.

What are “Spaces”?

They’re unique sections of the site that anyone can create, then control the content of. Several of them are restricted (in theory) to specific types of things.

Create one and try it out!

How do I post a video

Go to the space where you want to share your video, put the video url from youtube on a single line with a line return after it like:

What’s the deal with the fish on Twitch?

The Two Fish on Twitch are named “Goldie” with no “y” and “Silver”, they were added to the tank back in 2022 and are both Comet Gold Fish, which is a type of carp. Comets were specifically bread for their looks as long ago as 1782! Gold fish are normally good tank mates with other gold fish, and they’ve been very happy with their two plecostomus tank friends..


Since when we can have avatars in the blog?

April 23, 2008. MyConfinedSpace uses Gravatars for everyone’s use. The idea behind gravatars is that you can have one image represent you everywhere you go.

All you need to do:
1.) Sign up with them, using the same email address that you used here on MCS
2.) Upload an avatar to their servers.
3.) You are now done.

Through some coding magic, that avatar will now show up on MCS, and any other website that uses gravatars. You can trust the Gravatar people, due to the fact that they are also responsible for WordPress. Your e-mail address won’t be visible to anyone on the net, and you won’t get spammed. yay!

I’m trying to leave a comment, but I can’t figure out how!

Only registered users can post images or comments, so feel free to sign up for an account (link at top).

You have a copyrighted image that I’m forced to ask you to remove.

If this is the case, call off the lawyers, I’ll just take down the free publicity that you’re getting, I’ll say something to the effect in the post, and there won’t be much of an issue. Funny pictures aren’t worth being sued over. You will need to e-mail an admin (see below for contact information) Due to past hoaxes and false requests, requests in the comments can and will be ignored. Take down notices must have these items included in them :
14.1 – your contact information including mailing address and phone number

14.2 – the name of the infringing image
14.3 – the url address of the copied image (in a clickable fashion please no PDFs.  all PDFs are automatically tagged as spam)
14.4 – a statement that you have a good faith belief that the material is not legally posted on MCS
14.5 – a statement that under penalty of perjury, you are is authorized to act for the copyright holder
14.6 – your signature (digital equivalent acceptable)
It would help expedite matters if you linked to a copy of the image on your own servers, where the image is displayed in a professional manner.

OR you can use this form to request any take downs